DataRiver will present tomorrow its Business Idea at the workshop for new enterpreneurs organized by the Intraprendere a Modena award. The workshop will take place at the Chamber of Commerce of Modena, Via Ganaceto 134 at 5 pm.
DataRiver will present tomorrow its Business Idea at the workshop for new enterpreneurs organized by the Intraprendere a Modena award. The workshop will take place at the Chamber of Commerce of Modena, Via Ganaceto 134 at 5 pm.
In conformity with Article 26 of the Legislative Decree of August 5, 2022 and the Guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Health March 28, 2013 and December 20, 2017, the information in this section of the website is intended only for healthcare professionals. By selecting Continue, you declare that you are a healthcare professional, allowing you to continue to access the area dedicated to the ARIA medical device.
In conformity with Article 26 of the Legislative Decree of August 5, 2022 and the Guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Health March 28, 2013 and December 20, 2017, the information in this section of the website is intended only for healthcare professionals. By selecting Continue, you declare that you are a healthcare professional, allowing you to continue to access the area dedicated to the ARIA medical device.