The Company

The Ettore Sansavini Foundation for Scientific Research is an istitute committed since 1998 in the field of clinical research, in the experimentation of new interventional methods and in the use of innovative medical devices.


The Challenge

Development of  an eCRF platform and a web application for real-time analysis and monitoring of of multi-center clinical trials’s progress conducted in the cardiovascular field.


The solution

Development of an eCRF platform for the management of clinical trials in the field of cardiac surgery, and development of a web application for the monitoring of clinical trials’s progress based on the web platform “MOMIS Dashboard” which allows a real-time monitoring and to simplify the research and analysis of the data collected.



– Unified management of multi-center clinical trials in the field of cardiac surgery
– Real-time monitoring of clinical trials’s progress
– Research and analysis of data relating to patients involved in various clinical studies