The Company

The IRCCS CROB of Rionero represents the third oncological center of a scientific nature for the South together with the National Cancer Institute Giovanni Pascale Foundation of Naples and the John Paul II Cancer Institute of Bari.
The Institute carries out its activity on the basis of annual and multi-year programs which plan the research and assistance activity according to a principle of close connection.


The Challenge

IRCCS CROB of Rionero aims to promote the development of a project for the standardization, in the OMOP COMMON DATA MODEL format, of the data relating to patients contained in the Tumor Registry of the Basilicata Region.

For the development of this study, IRCCS CROB participated in the European 5th Data Partner Call coordinated by the EHDEN Consortium (

The objective of the European tender “5th Data Partner Call” is to convert patient data contained in Electronic Health Records (EHR), pathology registries, laboratory databases and other data sources managed by European hospitals, according to the OMOP COMMON DATA MODEL standard, creating an integrated structure of the collected data, facilitating their use for a variety of objectives, improving and accelerating research and decision-making in healthcare, and gaining global advantage.


The solution

DataRiver, thanks to the experience gained in the field of Big Data integration and Clinical Data Harmonization, for which it is certified as SME by the IMI EHDEN Consortium (, is able to support healthcare facilities in the process of standardization of health data with respect to the OMOP Common Data Model standard.
DataRiver supported IRCCS CROB in the execution of the project, carrying out data cleaning, processing and mapping of data sources according to the OMOP Common Data Model format required by the project.



The IRCCS CROB has developed the project for the standardization of patient data from the Basilicata Region Cancer Registry in the OMOP Common Data Model format. The project represents a great opportunity to take a further step forward in the standardization of health data, in order to allow new international collaborations in the field of oncological diseases, allowing to improve the quality of the information available with the aim of improving the care of the patients treated from the institute.