DataRiver has received funding for the PLENAIR project (Free And Inclusive Parks in Network for Recreational and Physical Intergenerational Activity), financed by the call for tender “Strategic industrial research projects aimed at the priority ambitions of
Smart Specialization Strategy”, Action 1.2.2 – Support for the implementation of complex research and development activities on a few relevant thematic areas and for the application of technological solutions functional to the implementation of the S3 project strategy, promoted by the Emilia Romagna Region.

The PLEINAIR project (Free And Inclusive Parks in Network for Recreational and Physical Intergenerational Activities, CUP:  E91B18000450007) aims to create inclusive contexts to promote the adoption of active lifestyles and good health for everyone and for all age groups. An innovative approach to physical activity will be proposed by extending the user’s experience into unconventional spaces and times of everyday life.

PLEINAIR intends to create a “smart” equipped park that implements new types of street furniture equipped with elements of distributed “intelligence” with key elements such as “OSO” (Outdoor Smart Objects) or playful furniture and tools equipped with sensors. OSOs will be able to recognize the user and dynamically adapt their morphological and functional performance.

The activities carried out by users in the PLEINAIR park will be monitored and an assessment of performance and lifestyle will be carried out. Always in compliance with the regulations relating to ethics, security and data privacy , a community-oriented cloud service will be developed. The person’s expectations and experience will have primary importance within the project.